Policy number: AA029EN
Last review date: 17 August 2021
Next review date: 1 November 2022
Issuing office: Academic Affairs


Yearly Payment Plan

Full-time undergraduate students who pay for a full academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) by the 15th of July may benefit from a tuition rebate. Students receiving a university tuition grant are not eligible for the rebate. Yearly payment rebates are not offered for those starting in the Spring semester. 

Tuition Semester Payment Plan

Under this plan, students pay for each semester prior to the start of the semester. Payment must be received on or before the following dates: July 15 for the Fall semester and December 15 for the Spring semester. 

Tuition Installment Payment Plan

Full-time students may apply to pay on the Installment Payment Plan. This plan consists of four payments for each semester; all payments must be completed before the start of the semester. A service fee is charged for the installment plan. 

Students or their FRPs who wish to change payment plans should contact Student Accounting Services


Related policy: AA028EN, AA029EN.


Who is affected by this policy: Undergraduate students.


The Office of Student Accounting Services manages tuition payments from undergraduate students.

Undergraduate students must pay their tuition by the due dates.

Issuing office and contact: The Office of Academic Affairs, 5, boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg Paris, 75007, Tel. +33 1 40 62 06 04.