Policy number: AA042EN
Last review date: Fall 2023
Next review date: Fall 2025
Issuing office: Academic Affairs


Graduate students who are studying in a degree with 48 or fewer required credits must finish their degree in six years. Graduate students studying in a degree with more than 48 required credits must finish their degree in seven years. The timeline begins during the first semester of study, and does not extend with Leave of Absence Requests. All requests for extensions must be sent to the Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs before the deadline for completion, as stated in this policy. The Office of Academic Affairs reserves the right to deny any extension request. 


Who is affected by this policy: All full-time and part-time graduate students.


Graduate students are responsible for finishing their degree within the allotted amount of time. The office of Academic Affairs is not responsible for informing students when they have passed the time limit for degree completion.


If a student in a 38, 40, or 48 credit degree begins his or her studies in Fall 2019, he or she must complete all requirements for his or her degree by the end of summer 2025.

If a student in a 62 credit degree begins his or her studies in Fall 2019, he or she must complete all requirements by the end of summer 2026.

Issuing office and contact: The Office of Academic Affairs, 5, boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg Paris, 75007,  Tel. +33 1 40 62 06 04.